︎Dara Afraz
I'm Dara (/ˈdäˌrä/), a software designer with a multidisciplinary background in design, coding, and cognitive science research. I have helped build digital artifacts, including user interfaces, flows, prototypes, products, and platforms for diverse clients (B2C, B2B, and B2G).

Since 2022, I have been serving as the Product Design Lead at Beyond Limits Enterprise AI. My focus is on crafting interaction models, rapid prototypes, UX and information architectures for a Hybrid AI platform that integrates all the 'Ops' (Data, ML, LLM, and Knowledge Bases), primarily supporting SMEs and operational teams in the energy and manufacturing sectors. I am adept at navigating rigid ambiguities, complex constraints, competing priorities, and short-span alignments, which are aspects of working at a mid-size, late-stage startup that I find particularly stimulating.

Previously, I led the design and development of projects at UCLA's Human Perception Lab and Insight Learning Technology, where my role encompassed design, development, and product management.

I am not just open, but eager for speaking engagements, as I am deeply passionate about discussing product design and the myriad topics that intersect with it.
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